Wednesday, July 31, 2019

China and Japan’s Responses to Western Influence Essay

During the 19th and 20th centuries, much of the western world had at the very least, begun to modernize. Countries on this side of the globe were becoming booming metropolises. Trade with many other nations brought lots of new things to these western countries and also resulted in the Europeans observing a good deal of places that were not yet modernized. These observations later lead to the western nations wanting to make changes. They began trying to do this by setting up spheres of influence, sending missionaries, proposing treaties and other agreements, and in some cases, completely taking over. Some countries fought back, and resisted modernization, and others submitted to the inevitable changes that were coming their way. China and Japan are great examples of this, both countries were strongly opposed to Western influence but in the end, the two countries reacted to the changes very differently. Prior to western contact, China and Japan held the belief that they were superior civilizations. Both countries felt that any contact with westerners would corrupt their perfect societies. Also, because they felt they already were perfect, they didn’t think modernization was necessary. The people of both countries were comfortable with their traditional, more old fashioned ways of life and saw no reason to change. The westerners however, would not take no for an answer, they were determined to make China open ports to them so they could trade and work to modernize the country. The westerners were very interested in obtaining silk and tea from China but the problem was, the westerners didn’t have anything the Chinese wanted in exchange besides gold and silver. This resulted in an unfavorable balance of trade. To fix this, the westerners really needed something the Chinese wanted so they began growing opium in India and illegally smuggling it into China. The habit of opium smoking caught on quickly and as a result, the western people were making a great deal of money. Overtime, more than 12 million people developed addictions to the drug. Seeing how this substance was harming China’s people, the government made opium illegal and wanted it out of their country for good. The  westerners opposed this decision and not long after, took China to war and conquered them. Following the war, the Treaty of Nanjiing was signed and the Chinese were forced to open up more ports and allow westerners into their country. This eventually lead to the modernization of China. Next on the western nations’ list was Japan. It all started with commodore Matthew Perry, he sailed to Japan and requested that the Japanese aid people of the US and Europe if they came to the shores of the country. Only a year after Perry first made his request to the Japanese, the Great White Fleet made a voyage back to Japan to reiterate the request. The Japanese, unlike the Chinese did not fight back, but agreed and the Treaty of Kanagawa was signed which opened ports for trade and ensured fair treatment and extraterritoriality for sailors. Now that Japan had opened up its shores to the westerners, the next thing they wanted to do was get Japan to modernize. Again, unlike China, Japan did not put up a fight, but decided to accept the inevitable changes that were soon to come. So, the Japanese began studying and adopting the western way of life and ended up modernizing in a period of three short years. In conclusion, although in the beginning, both China and Japan were firm believers in isolationism and did not want anything to do with western countries, once faced with the issue of western contact and modernization, the two countries responded very differently. China fought back and had to overcome many hardships and fight in terrible wars that cost many people their lives which left a lasting and devastating impact on the country. Japan on the other hand, accepted the change and avoided a great deal of violence and struggle. Although China and Japan had very different responses, it is clear that western contact and modernization changed both countries forever.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Lab Safety Report Essay

The lab safety video has provided valuable information to better prepare me to be safe in lab and go by the Seminole State College Lab protocol. I watched the lab video link-, and learned lab safety. The topics addressed were dressing appropriately, how to handle chemicals safely, Bunsen burner and glassware safety, and the emergency equipment available in the lab. I feel I have been informed of the proper procedures and rules to stay safe and protect my classmates, teacher and my personal safety in the laboratory setting. Before entering a lab one should consider the rules that need to be applied. The attire considered necessary are proper googles, long pants, long sleeves (not too loose), jewelry removed, gloves (if required), and apron (if necessary). Also a student is responsible for their behavior and should store personal items, not fool around, and never bring food and drinks to the lab. Then a lab can be conducted in a safe manner with the additional awareness provided in the following topics. The first topic addressed was how to handle chemicals safely. When using acids or bases in a lab proper eyewear, gloves, and aprons should be worn if necessary. The chemicals should be kept from the eyes and skin, and if happen to get in eyes use an eye wash or shower immediately. When mixing chemicals: read and reread labels, only mix chemicals when told to by teacher and use the proper sized (usually smaller) container. When using acid only add acid to water, not the reverse order. In the case of an accident, report the spill to teacher immediately. Upon lab clean up, throw materials in proper containers and do not pour acids down the sink. The second topic addressed was Bunsen burner and glassware safety. The Bunsen burner is dangerous and therefore precaution needs to be taken. The setup should start with the proper connection of the gas hose, and when ignited stand clear. The burner should be turned off immediately if the flame goes out, sputters or flames happen, or there is a smell of gas. The Bunsen burner can be used with glass beakers for heating chemicals. However,  the glassware should be checked for cracks, and once hot should be removed with tongs or gloves. When using fragile glass tubes, hands should be protected with leather gloves and lubrication should be used with rubber inserter and then washed off. If a thermometer is needed the appropriate temperature (alcohol or mercury- depending on temperature range) should be used and understood that no shaking is necessary. The Bunsen burner is among some of the equipment used frequently but can cause harm if used improperly. The final topic addressed the emergency procedures and equipment needed if accidents were to arise in the laboratory. The lab room is equip with first aid kits, fire extinguishers, fire blankets, eye wash stations, emergency chemical showers, and proper deposal containers. However, hopefully one will not need to be used with careful precautions and common sense. For example, if a breaker is on fire simply cover it to contain the flame before a fire extinguisher or evacuation is needed. The emergency equipment is there to ensure safety in case of an accident or emergency and should be used appropriately. In conclusion, the laboratory is a dangerous place if the proper concern for safety is not taken seriously. Therefore the video has given the proper guidelines and protocols needs to operate a safe lab for all to enjoy.

Monday, July 29, 2019

See the details Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

See the details - Article Example Factors that contributed to low economic growth include slow inventory gains and abnormally cold weather experienced in the second half of the previous year. The pace of growth in domestic demand was found to be 1.5 percent in the first quarter which was slightly below what it was in the forth quarter of 2013 due to volatile factors such as trade and inventory swings. However, it is evident that fluctuations witnessed in the current times do not portray a different trend from what had been seen in the recovery process since the Great Recession. The average quarterly economic growth rate has stood at 2.2% since the year 2009. The bleak future of economic growth is likely to impact negatively on the democrats in the forth-coming congressional elections. The prospects of the Democrats is closely tied to the voter attitudes toward the re-election bid of President Obama in which economic factors played a major role in determining the outcome. Another factor in the economic condition is on wage growth as a result of huge slack in the labor market. A report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that was released previously on employment index indicated that the private sector wages as well as salaries during the first quarter had increased at a lower rate since 1980. The article further concurs that the recovery of the housing market were on a declining trend. This was evident on the second quarter of the 2013 in which private residential real estate investment had fallen by 0.2% of the total economic growth. Weather was found to be the main cause of decline in the recovery in the housing market. Corporate investment in equipment witnessed a sharp reverse growth in the first quarter of 2014 compared to the growth in the fourth quarter of 2013 leading to the slackening of the overall business investment translating into 0.4 % decline in the overall economic growth. Other factors resulting in deterioration of business

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Motivation, Stress, and Communication Research Paper

Motivation, Stress, and Communication - Research Paper Example Additionally, the position has the responsibility of staffing and directing a sales team, providing headship towards the accomplishment of utmost profitability and growth in tandem with the vision and values of the company. Furthermore, the individual will have the task of instituting procedures and stratagem to enlarge the client base in the marketing area and contribute to the advancement of training and instructive programs for consumers and account executives. Responsibilities and Accountabilities The individual will have the task of devising a business plan and sales strategy for the assigned areas that guarantee the attainment of the firm’s sales goals and profitability. The individual will be in charge of the performances and development of the account executives. Furthermore, the individual is expected to conduct and coordinate, at individual as well as team level, effectual searches of sales leads and prospects. In line with the company’s development plans, the individual has to prepare strategies aimed at penetrating new markets and maintaining already existing markets. Apart from the harmonization of sales activities, the individual has to perform personalized reviews with all account executives to institute effective communication. This will be in order to gain a clear understanding of training and development requirements, and to provide information in the improvement of Account executives sales and activity performance. He has the task of providing timely feedback of the performance of new products in his market region to the VP of sales. The marketing and sales manager, at the beginning of each month, will hold counsel with all sales persons in his region to establish realistic sales objectives. Consequently, by following the drafted course of action, or making alterations, the individual has to achieve the projected sales. He/she has to monitor the performance of the sales persons in his charge. Additionally, the person has to have a keen understanding of the company’s fiscal data to gain insight on what is happening in the assigned region. The marketing and sales manager will, apart from maintaining a high level of personal motivation, coach, counsel, prop, and motivate sales personnel in the region. Concerning the sales personnel, the manager will monitor their performance comparing it with the previous period’s performance and make suitable resolutions. Concerning products, the individual will bear the task of developing appropriate displays for the products where necessary. He/she also has the duty of handling all complains from customers regarding the products sold. Significantly, the individual must be capable of maintaining continual professional growth, improving sales skills, managerial skills, business skills and product comprehension. Relationships and Roles The Job requires an individual with familiarity of 5 years in sales supervision. The individual should be familiar with technolo gical trends, especially in the gadget field. Broad practice in all facets of SRM is a prerequisite. The individual should bear a confirmed record in managing and heading highly-trained, motivated, successful, and achievement oriented sales force. He/she should further demonstrate strong leadership aptitudes. A strong comprehension of consumer and market dynamics is a requirement, and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced and vibrant market setting. The interested individual should

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Organizational change Part II & III Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Organizational change Part II & III - Essay Example (Program Description, 2008) As drug abuse continues to affect individuals, families, and communities, the need for treatment will remain urgent. At the same time, current federal and state financial trends portend continued and perhaps even increasingly scarce resources. Because of the promise of interorganizational cooperation for improving access, quality, and cost-effectiveness of care (Shortell 2002), understanding what factors lead to such relationships within the drug abuse treatment sector may thus have vital implications for policy makers and managers. Getting lost in the shuffel here is that the ultimate goal of drug addiction treatment is to enable an individual to achieve lasting abstinence, but the immediate goals are to reduce drug abuse, improve the patient's ability to function, and minimize the medical and social complications of drug abuse and addiction. Like people with diabetes or heart disease, people in treatment for drug addiction will need to change behavior to adopt a more healthful lifestyle. Untreated substance abuse and addiction add significant costs to families and communities, including those related to violence and property crimes, prison expenses, court and criminal costs, emergency room visits, healthcare utilization, child abuse and neglect, lost child support, foster care and welfare costs, reduced productivity, and unemployment. (National Sruvey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 200

Friday, July 26, 2019

Critically assess the mV and digital policyain elements of the EU Essay

Critically assess the mV and digital policyain elements of the EU policy on HDT - Essay Example Through television, a lot of telecommunication companies has been put up which provides work for millions of people. It is where product commercials are aired. It is also where public concerns and responsibilities were discussed. While each and every national government has set up its own rules with regards to telecommunication, the European Union has also set its guidelines and policies to maintain and level the playing fields of the telecommunication competition. In this era where digital technologies were making its way to communication highways and prospectively play a much bigger role in the future, the European Union has identified the needs of introducing digital technologies harmoniously into the market. By means of a consensus process involving all the relevant economic agents, this aim can be easily achieved. There are 6 different areas of audiovisual activities which are covered by the commission. According to the Principles and guidelines for the Communitys audiovisual policy in the digital age (2005), On the basis of these principles, the Commission intends to take action in the following fields: the new "Media plus" programme, considered to be of crucial importance for the future of the European audiovisual industry. In all areas of action (training, development, distribution, promotion) this new programme will take account of the new digital environment. The external dimension of Community audiovisual policy will necessarily hinge around two central elements: the enlargement of the European Union and the new round of multilateral trade negotiations in the framework of the World Trade Organisation. This Directive which was adopted in 1989 and revised in 1997, based from Television broadcasting activities: "Television without Frontiers" (TVWF) Directive(2006) is the cornerstone of the European Unions audiovisual policy. Its two basic principles

The Essence Of Miranda Warnings Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

The Essence Of Miranda Warnings - Research Paper Example For example, this right grants an arrestee to refuse from answering questions which he or she thinks would compel him or her to give incriminating statements which could possibly be taken as admissible evidence and might be used against him. The Fifth Amendment gives right against compelled self-incrimination and the due process of the law. If the arrestee was formally charged with a crime, the Miranda Warnings must be made known to the arrestee. Further, the sixth amendment grants the right to a legal counsel or an attorney during all subsequent questioning process. The sole example that is presented on this study is a domestic violence case and should a police officer perform the interrogation process.  If a person is under custody for interrogation, any police officer called to perform the interrogation process must read to the arrestee the Miranda Rights. If in any case, the respondent did not respond to give an affirmative answer, silence should not be taken as a waiver of the se rights. The interrogation can still proceed but responses from the arrestee are considered void and ineffective during a trial if the statements were made prior to Miranda Rights.  In the case of domestic violence, if the arrestee was formally charged, the police officer must warn the arrestee of his or her constitutional rights. All the responses of the suspect under custody shall be taken as admissible evidence, provided, the rights were made known to her. In addition, the suspect’s 6th amendment protection shall be applied and may not be doubted or questioned relating to subject matter of the offenses being charged to the suspect if there is an absence of a legal counsel or an attorney or anything that waives the right to an attorney.  If the suspected criminal has not been formally charged, it is necessary to determine if Miranda Warnings are needed. If the person is not â€Å"in custody†, Miranda Rights are not necessary and the statements made by the arres tee are admissible.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Critically assess the use of environmental principles in environmental Assignment

Critically assess the use of environmental principles in environmental law - Assignment Example At present, the guidelines of the international environmental law play an imperative part that imposes considerable impact upon the notion of sustainable development. Environmental evaluation is quite essential for upholding the sustainable development of society as well as useful for establishing necessary laws related to environment. Apart from the factor of global warming, the aspect of climate change also contributes largely upon affecting the natural environment by a greater extent. Since the year 1960, several environmentalists took significant initiatives for reducing pollution, cleaning up the wastes, implementing strict laws for every individual of different nation, minimizing wastage products and introducing recyclable materials for the manufacturing of new products. In the year 1969, United States National Environmental policy Act referred that every societal member must follow the environmental laws in order to mitigate the impact of global warming. The major reason for e stablishing the international environmental regulation is for addressing social as well as environmental factors that have been considered as the root cause of global warming. By taking into concern the present environmental situation, it has been apparently observed that there has been drastic increase of pollution due to huge augmentation of carrier vehicles and industrial wastes. In order to make control of all these environmental aspects, lawyers and various environmentalists implement certain effectual environmental principles in order to create awareness about preserving the nature within the community people (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 2012). This paper intends to critically assess the execution of environmental principles in environmental law concerning different significant aspects. These aspects include the different principles relating to environmental law, environmental regulation and protection along with international and European Environmental La w. Principles of Environmental Law Polluter Pays Principle The ‘Polluter Pays Principle (PPP)’ is considered as an effectual guideline concerning the environmental policy. This policy implies that community people must take deliberate initiatives towards preventing the increased level of pollution. The major objective of the ‘PPP’ is to internalizing the external activities of environment so that every community people can become quite conscious towards maintaining the cleanliness of nature. The principle of international environmental law was initiated in the year 1972 and it is recommended by ‘Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)’. OECD is recognized as a council that established the guidelines concerning international environmental law. The council stated that these guidelines should be executed for assigning the costs that are incurred for the prevention of pollution. Moreover, the council also introduced as well as implemented certain crucial initiatives with the intention of properly utilising the limited environmental resources (Lucia, 2010). The core meaning of the PPP is that any polluter should incur the costs in relation to the safeguard and the control

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Causes of increasing gas prices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Causes of increasing gas prices - Essay Example What is causing this rise in prices of gas? Is it merely supply and demand issues, or are there other factors that are influencing the rise in gas prices? This paper has the general aim of being informative of the causes of the rise in gas prices. However, within this general aim, the paper has a specific purpose in trying to uncover that the rise in gas prices is not merely caused by supply and demand issues. Gas prices in the USA are linked to international oil prices, as the cost of oil constitutes 70% of the cost of a gallon of gasoline. Cost of oil has risen. Brent oil prices are a measure of the prices of prevailing in the oil markets. Brent oil has risen by approximately 52 cents over the last two months, reflecting a rise in price of gas by 47cents per gallon in the USA. Four factors are believed to be involved in the recent rise in gas prices. These four factors are rise in demand for oil, inability of oil production to match the rising demand for oil, political turbulence in the Middle-East, and speculation in oil (Hargreaves, 1). The United Nations outlook for oil markets in 2010 demonstrates the reasons for an expected rise in demand for oil. The forecast indicated that there would be a rise in demand for oil to the tune of about 1.5%, raising demand for oil to 85.7 million barrels per day. Two factors would drive this rise in demand for oil. The main driver for rise in oil prices would be growing demand for oil from the emerging nations, like China and India, and the secondary driving force would be the slow emergence from recession of the developed world (United Nations, 63). The rise in demand for oil in 2012 however, was not as large as expected. The International Energy Association has estimated that the demand for oil in 2012 will be 200,000 barrels per day less than the earlier forecasted estimate of 90 million barrels per day. The reason for this

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Describing concepts of Microbilogy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Describing concepts of Microbilogy - Essay Example Food fermentation is the anaerobic conversion of carbohydrates to alcohol using microbes such as Saccharomyces spp, Lactobacillus spp. It results in products variety that can be preserved for long. Fermentation products include cheese, alcoholic drinks, sauer kraut among others. In agriculture, microbiology has improved soil characteristics and increase plant productivity. Biofertilizers that contain living organisms such as Rhizobium, Azotobacter help in nitrogen fixation, solubilizing phosphorous and stimulating plant growth hormones. Manure from animal waste contains microbes that help in soil aeration. They are cost effective and reduce soil pollution through use of inorganic fertilizers. Food preparation involves thorough washing of fruits and vegetables and cooking of foods. This ensures any harmful microbes are killed. Examples are milk pastuerization and boiling of drinking water. Utensils, pots and surfaces in cooking areas should also be thoroughly cleaned. Proper waste disposal reduces environmental pollution. Degradable matter is breakdown by microbes to form manure. Sewage water is drained into septic tanks where it is processed before discharge into rivers and streams. Nondegradable waste products are burnt and others recycled. A student is able to learn microorganism identification using the various characteristics of microbes. They are able to use differential, selective or enrichment media to grow microorganisms, gram staining and microscopy to identify cell structures, components and other morphological characteristics. Understand current and emerging topics in microbiology in relation to healthcare. Advances in microbiology diagnostic techniques have evolved. Research is ongoing on issues of drug resistance. Current research studies on use of microorganisms as gene vectors in disease treatment. Microorganisms are used for production of cellulose,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Who Is Alan Turing Essay Example for Free

Who Is Alan Turing Essay Alan Turing (1912 1954) was a British mathematician, logician, and cryptographer considered by many to be the father of computer science. His contributions to breaking the German Nazi Enigma code during WWII were considered pivotal to the Allied war effort. Alan Turing formulated multiple ideas that now lie at the foundations of computer science and computability theory, such as the idea of a Turing machine or the Church-Turing thesis. Contributions  Computer designer In 1945, Turing was recruited to the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in London to design and develop an electronic computer. His design for the Automatic Computing Engine (ACE) was the first relatively complete specification of an electronic stored-program general-purpose digital computer. Had Turing’s ACE been built as planned, it would have had considerably more memory than any of the other early computers, as well as being faster. However, his colleagues at NPL thought the engineering too difficult to attempt, and a much simpler machine was built, the Pilot Model ACE. In the end, NPL lost the race to build the world’s first working electronic stored-program digital computer—an honour that went to the Royal Society Computing Machine Laboratory at the University of Manchester in June 1948. Discouraged by the delays at NPL, Turing took up the deputy directorship of the Computing Machine Laboratory in that year (there was no director). His earlier theoretical concept of a universal Turing machine had been a fundamental influence on the Manchester computer project from its inception. Turing’s principal practical contribution after his arrival at Manchester was to design the programming system of the Ferranti Mark I, the world’s first commercially available electronic digital computer. Artificial intelligence pioneer Turing was a founding father of modern cognitive science and a leading early exponent of the hypothesis that the human brain is in large part a digital computing machine. He theorized that the cortex at birth is an â€Å"unorganised machine† that through â€Å"training† becomes organized â€Å"into a universal machine or something like it. † A pioneer of artificial intelligence, Turing proposed (1950) what subsequently became known as the Turing test as a criterion for whether a machine thinks.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Evaluation of Rosenbergs self-esteem scale

Evaluation of Rosenbergs self-esteem scale Psychological tests are tools used to measure differences between individuals or between the same individual under different circumstances. A psychological test is an objective and standardized measure of a sample of behavior. Before a test is released, researchers have to check its reliability and validity. By the term reliability it is meant consistency of scores obtained by the same person on different occasions. Validity of a test means that it actually measures what is meant to measure. Validity of a test tells the researcher what the test is measuring. In this study, Rosenbergs Self esteem scale is examined thoroughly by first looking at what self esteem is and how it is measured. The conceptualization of self esteem as a phenomenological construct seems to be linked with its measurement. There is plethora of research on the measurement of self esteem and some studies have shown that Rosenbergs scale is valid and reliable for some samples but others find that because self esteem is an unstable characteristic its measurement cannot be reliable. Difficulties in defining self esteem are also linked to its methodological issues as some researchers define self esteem as evaluative and others as descriptive. Problems of measuring a construct like self esteem are identified in this study as well as research on what population Rosenbergs self esteem scale is found to be valid and reliable is encountered. Self esteem promotes behaviors, goals and gives individuals a sense of worth. Some theories suggest that self esteem is a basic human need or motivation. Maslows theory of hierarchy of needs included self esteem by describing two different types of esteem; the need for respect from others and the need for self respect. Without fulfillment of self esteem individuals, according to Maslow could not obtain self actualization. Robson (1989) defined self esteem as the sense of contentment and acceptance that results from a persons appraisal of ones own worth, attractiveness, competence and ability to satisfy ones aspirations. (Columbus, 2006) Rosenberg and social learning theorists defined self esteem in terms of a stable sense of personal worth. These definitions have been applied to global and specific self esteem, meaning that global is an individuals overall evaluation of himself and specific on a facet of the self such as academic competence. This is one of the problems of self report measurements. It looks at what the individual perceives of himself. If an individual perceives himself as competent then the test will result that the person has high self esteem regardless of how competent he really is. Rosenbergs self esteem scale is an attempt to achieve a measure of global self esteem. There is research evidence that this scale is useful for getting a global sense of how a person feels about himself and is a good predictor of other measures of mental health such as depression and anxiety. Unfortunately research shows that it is not such a good predictor for specific domains like academic ability. Self report is one of the most used methods for gathering information on children and adults and its consistent with theoretical concepts of how to obtain information about oneself. Of course, its not without its drawbacks. There are issues on how accessible this information is in the memory, the situations or contexts a person is when they are answering and other factors that might influence how one answers questions about himself. As mentioned earlier cognitive and affective processes are involved in how information is processed through the memory and how its retrieved at a particular moment. A method for finding reliability is based on the consistency of responses to all items in the test. Due to the cognitive and affective processes, there are biases such as self-deception that occur when accessing information. The context and the emotional state where someone is asked to answer self report questionnaire on self esteem involves the situational factors that might influence responds about the self. If for example, someone is asked to answer about his self esteem after getting a promotion it will elicit his response to feel better with himself thus with more self esteem. Self presentation also impedes a persons belief about himself as he might want to be perceived by the researchers as someone with self esteem. It is important to know if individuals are responding honestly as social desirability is a factor tha t alters feelings. These factors may be biasing the responses they are giving. Rosenbergs self esteem scale is a ten item scale that asks individuals to rate themselves using four categories (strongly agree to strongly disagree) on statements regarding their sense of self worth or confidence. The scale is perhaps the most famous and widely used measure of self esteem. It is used with children and adults and is considered to be reliable and valid measure of self esteem. The SES has been validated for use with substance abusers and other clinical groups, and is regularly used in treatment outcome studies. The scale has been validated for use with both male and female adolescent, adult and elderly populations. It has been used with francophone populations but studies about other cultural groups are debateful. That might be the case because of the fact that the concept of self is highly dependent on verbal behavior and social norms in each society. The complexity of the concept as well as the lack of theoretical agreement and empirical data has resulted in acceptin g a general definition of self esteem, which is mirrored in the broad use of Rosenbergs self esteem scale. (Columbus, 2006) Although Rosenbergs self esteem scale has excellent psychometric properties it constitutes a unidimensional scale that does not capture the complexity of self esteem. Unidimensional scales are useful for gathering information on general mental health of individuals. There are a lot of scales that measure aspects of self esteem. Researchers should use measures that are specific to the issue they are investigating whether it is a global sense of self worth or specific evaluation of competencies across a wide spectrum of behaviors. There are allot of studies examining Rosenbergs self esteem scale and their results vary. An important condition influencing the size of a reliability coefficient is the nature of the group on which reliability is measured. A study that examined further support for multidimensionality within the Rosenberg self-esteem scale suggested that Tafarodi and Swann (1995) had another perspective on the relationship of Rosenbergs self esteem scale and the concept of global esteem. They thought that global self esteem is comprised by two separate and different concepts; self competence and self liking. A study examining the psychometric properties of the Rosenberg Self esteem scale in Chinese acute coronary syndrome patients (2006) suggest that the RSES has been found associated with depression. The RSES has also been widely used to gain insight into a diverse range of areas of substantive psychological interest including aspects of gender (Huyck, 1991), aggression and family dynamics (Haj-Yahia, 2001), perfectionism (Stumpf Parker, 2000) and neuroticism (Pullman Allik, 2000). Self esteem is found to be related to basic dimensions of personality as individuals with high self esteem tend to score high on extraversion, agreeableness and openness to experience. A more complex issue is the relation of self esteem and narcissism, as they have been found to correlate. The RSES has been found to correlate well with tests of self concept (Beck, Steer, Epstein, Brown, 1990) thus supporting the construct validity of the instrument. Rosenbergs self esteem scale has been translated into a l ot of languages and is used in diverse populations. One such example is the translation and validation of the Rosenberg self esteem scale in Spanish. The study consisted of the translation, adaption and analysis of the psychometric properties of the scale in a sample of university students. The results showed that the scale presents a unifactorial structure with good levels of internal consistency and stability. Test- retest correlation was good, supporting the reliability of the scale. A recent study (2009) examining the Psychometric Properties of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale in African American Single Mothers shows that the scale can be released to other cultural groups. The purpose of this study was because self-esteem has been identified as an important factor in the mental health of African American women. African American women unfortunately experience multiple oppressions related to both racism and sexism, which has an impact on the formation and maintenance of self-esteem. Women with this kind of background, and especially single mothers with low income are correlated with poor self-esteem (Jackson, 2003) The RSE Scale showed adequate internal consistency with an alpha coefficient of .83. Two factors that accounted for a total of 54.7% of the variance were extracted. Self-esteem showed a strong negative relationship with both depressive symptoms and negative thinking. This study provides support for the internal consistency of the RSE Scale and partial su pport for its construct validity in this population. The RSE appears to represent a bidimensional construct of self-esteem for African American women, with the cultural influences of racial esteem and the rejection of negative stereotypes forming a separate and distinct aspect of this concept. As seen above, there is empirical evidence that shows that socioeconomic status plays role in self esteem scores. It is very weakly correlated to self esteem but it seems that wealthy individuals have a bit more self esteem than working class individuals. Researchers who study self esteem generally assume that its a stable trait that predicts future behavior. Research indicates that although self esteem levels can be temporarily elevated or depressed in everyday life studies show the stability of self esteem across years. Test retest is a method for finding the reliability of test scores by repeating the identical test on a second occasion. Test retest correlation of self esteem is comparable to those found for more basic dimensions of personality such as extraversion or neuroticism. There has been research on the stability of self esteem and it seems that it is high in childhood, falls in adolescence and increases during adulthood. A study made in 2006 by Quilty Oakman Risko suggest that although Rosenbergs self esteem scale was developed as a global self esteem factor, there is mixed support for its unifactorial structure. Many investigation of the structure of the scale used factor analysis. Factor analysis was developed as a mean of identifying psychological traits and is used for analyzing the interrelationships of behavior data. Hensley and Roberts (1976) found that an exploratory factor analysis of the scale results in two factors, consisting of the positively and negatively worded items which reflected an underlying response set. A study looking at the norms and construct validity of RSES in Canada suggests that Kaplan and Pokomey (1976) found that while there was a strong unitary factor in the scale, research showed a two factor solution with positively worded items and negatively worded items. These factors were called defense of individual self worth and self derogation accordingly. In 1990 another s tudy looked into the two factor structure of Rosenbergs self esteem scale and studied 1,700 adults in the USA and found the same results. They also argued that the scale can be regarded psychometrically coherent with a unitary structure. These findings indicate that the RSES is a reliable and potentially valid scale for use with Canadian high school students of all ages (Bagley Bolitho Bertrand ,1997) Another study compared Rosenbergs self esteem scale with Coppersmiths self esteem inventory with people with eating disorders. Researchers wanted to see which test would fit best in measuring self esteem so they measured the validity of both tests. The study found that Rosenbergs self esteem scale had better construct and convergence validity than the Coppersmith self esteem inventory at the particular sample. It is obvious that reliability and validity in some samples might not be granted. Reliability is the consistency of scored obtained by the same sample when they are reexamined with the same test on different occasions. Test reliability indicates the extent to which individual differences in test scores are attributable to true differences in the characteristics under consideration and the extent to which they are attributable to chance errors. When the differences are not true they are called error variance and this is a possibility when measuring self esteem. The researcher would have to test the correlation coefficient of two sets of scores. As we can see from studies mentioned when researching the self, the methodological issues are difficult. The researchers should examine each tests reliability and validity before releasing it to the public. The problems of measuring a construct like self-esteem apply on nearly all of the studies that measure elements of the personality. Some researchers assume that phenomena that occur at the cognitive level will be manifested by behaviors that can be observed and measured. Other researchers suggest that behaviors should not be used to measure personality traits because we are unable to determine what cognitive processes might be affecting that trait. They argue that constructs like self-esteem should not be studied because there is no clear way to measure them or even know if you are measuring the right thing. As the majority of the theories suggest, individuals develop their self and self-concept through social interaction. There may be some innate cognitive process that is modified by social interaction or just social interaction, but either way people display behaviors and express opinions about who they are, from a very young age. For this reason it is important that psychologists be able to study and measure this phenomenon. Future work needs to address the issues of theory, definition, and methodology that have remained unresolved across the centuries. A consensus on these issues will lead to better measurement and a better understanding of how self-esteem influences the mental health and behavior of individuals.

The Role Of The Art Director Film Studies Essay

The Role Of The Art Director Film Studies Essay A firm and imagined set helps to bring forth a good visual and a better output. This is to the desire of the person who is putting up a set and what does it mean and how does it help him as many cannot be done without the help of sets. When coming to how I chose this topic is simple, everyone gets a shiver when we see some of the greatest movies of all times and the sets which they use in those are the ones which brings the environment and finish to the film as and when there are no sets and we want a finish a set is the most competent one and gives life to the stars surroundings and the entire output. This is why I had chose my topic as a cinema set as these have been around for most of a century and continuous and keeps growing vast in size and importance and with at most popularity where we can have a set of cave than going and finding a real one. This is a topic which has inspired me to create my own set for the short film I have shot and the set is the most important aspect of t he whole film as it deals with various periods of the cine time and how it changes due to the ongoing changes in time and people. The set has been made in a manner to resemble an old street feel in of the late 50s and how it went about the later decades and it has changed according to cinema and personnel. Some when seen has a spark and we would like to take another look at it cause of its structure and the glow its gives out and feel it resembles to be. This is the main aspect of the set as it creates a whole new being to the stage where the actors perform and it helps to bring out the best in them by giving out a specialness in the whole frame and that to it can be done only when the set is put with the likeness of how it should look or the way it has been imagined for the right kind of story and how do we get the best of it and to make sure it has been put up well and to be in frame in the right kind and not to be undefined as a not good. This is all into the art of a set how it is imagined and put up for the right kind of shoot and important it suits all aspects from dressing to the smallest detail as without a set there is no background and this takes us to the very beginning to show a set is important than all. ART DIRECTORS and their WORK: When we go to see a film to the theater, are we aware of the fact and truth that every single aspect of the set has been carefully designed by an art director and his conceptions. They are the ones that develop concepts and review the entire material that appears in films and theaters, and they are the ones who ultimately decide how to present the performance, so it is awe/eye-catching, gracefully appealing and captivating to all the audiences present.  The art directors happen to organize and direct the most technical and artistic part of aspects of motion pictures, live stage productions and day to day television shows by designing proper sets, matching costumes, correct furnishings and props to create an accurate portrayals and resemblance of various time periods and decade settings. These art directors are the ones responsible for the overall look and proper presentation of films, live television shows and live stage productions. They do have a very strong sense of vision and e nduring style. However as to them their jobs can vary much greatly depending on the type of medium they work with.   An art directors first and foremost job is to read the script or screenplay and to know on what period it is. Once they get to know the proper material, then they begin to do extended research about the time period in which a live stage play or film is set. If the set time period is of the present day, then their work is not too difficult and they can improvise on it. But however if a film is set in Queen Elizabethan times and Mughals period, the art director must go through and read history books about the past time period, by most possibly visit the various museums and art galleries on them to learn about the dress fashions, furniture and architecture of the time period. This is a bit very important because a film about the Queen Elizabethan period must be sort of accurate, to believable and have the proper costumes, props and other set design elements. If the art director is not careful and an extra artist is wearing an outfit/costume from a different period, then the audiences an d film critics could criticize the film for not being properly researched and looked upon. And finally, the art director also has to oversee the costume and dress design, props and setting designs to make sure that they portray the proper time period realistically and accordingly.    The art directors have to do everything behind the scenes and they consult with the film directors, film producers and production managers about all aspects of a work they have to do and how it has to be done. They must also make sure that they meaning the cost is to staying within of the film companys budget when purchasing props, proper set designs and other special effects items which have been asked for. Art directors bring the imagined stories to life existence through the visual components and art work. They work with the films technical directors and other crew members to plan films camera angles and set lighting to start with their work.   In the films, due to the explosion and outbreak of animation, vfx and technological special effects in many types of fantasy and adventure kind of genres, art directors are hired to supervise the animators, clay animation designers and various makeup artists. Now art directors work closely with crew members not only of their team but of others, giving advice and instructions. In each and every scene, art directors must work with the film director to plan the shots framing and frame, composition of the frame and camera involvement and movement. These kind of process takes a very long and painful time and makes movie-making process seem less glamorous than the other professions.   In the theaters, art directors also prepare various plays for production. They do have to arrange all the details coming on the stage as per settings and to all other stage effects. Art directors then consult with set designers, various props artists, their costume designers, dance choreographers and stagehand managers in the number of weeks before the production stage comes to in order to make sure that everyone is working and proceeding towards the play directors vision and proper interpretation of the play. During the rehearsals, art managing directors work very closely with people behind the screen labors to ensure a proper output. Every little or small detail is to be of a large detail in the art directors eyes and point of view. What Does an Art Director Do? An art director is someone who traditionally undertakes the direction of the production designer, and surrounds all the altering of the setting and missing settings of the scene. This means that they only design and then alter the set so that it will and would appear as how the director intends in their imagined vision. They will begin by a basic meeting with the director and getting a very clear idea of what they want and how they want everything to look like. After that and all the art director will add many creative designs and basic sketches as to how the set will be dressed, finished and altered so that the appearance fits within the directorial vision of the director. All things in this stage will be the main responsibility of the art director has to take every small change to account. Visit Locations: The very first thing that a successful and most wanted art director must do is to go to the  shooting location  and see what they are dealing with and how. If the film director wants the inside of a bedroom to look like an old brick alley there may be no option for the art director but to create a new one. They will have consider to see how they can take the given amount of location and alter it in a better way that will continue directorial vision of the director. He has to take a look at the space, available electrical supply, and all objects in the general area aspects. Production Stills: Production stills are going to be the other most important function of the art director in his process. What this happens to mean is that the art director is going to be taking pictures throughout the production time, that is of the set and actors and the crew doing their work and its process. These production stills end up filling a few functions for the director. First, they document the art production as it is happening for their company books and other film documents. These can be used to get an extra funding, that is especially if you create an  internalHYPERLINK presence in the set and can use some more. Second, the pictures of the lead cast can be used for post promotional purposes that later on which helps in good manner. Third, these photos are very crucial since they will not only indicate exactly where all the props and set dressings and were in every take or shot so they can be moved back to their original an d proper location within the story space allotted for them. VARIOUS FIELDS OF AN ART DIRECTOR: An art director is in the most hierarchical structure of a film art department works directly only below the production designer and production manager, and above the set designers and set decorators. A total of large part of their duties that include the administrative aspects of the art department and management of their sets. They are responsible for properly assigning tasks to their personnel, and keeping track of the whole art department budget and scheduling of work completion, as well as overall quality control of the setting and props.Various artists may create or develop some specific parts of an art piece or scene; but a sole part of art director unifies the vision. In particular, that the art director is in charge of the overall visual and set appearance and how it  communicates visually in the output, stimulating moods, contrasts color features, and psychologically appealing to a target audience. The art director makes his decisions about the visual elements used, on wh at artistic  style  to use, and  how and when to use motion. It is one of the most and very difficult problems that all art directors face is to translate the desired moods, new messages, new concepts, and the underdeveloped ideas into imagery. During the brainstorming and thinking process, art directors, coworkers, and the clients are engaged in imagining what the finished piece or scene might look like and their desire. At most times, an art director is the ultimate responsible for all solidifying the vision of the collective imagination while resolving conflicting agendas, concepts and inconsistencies between the various and all individual inputs and outputs. IN ADVERTISING: Though despite the title, an  advertising  type of art director isnt necessarily the one head of an art department. In modern advertising forums practice, an art director is who typically works in tandem with a  copywriter and gives the output. The team usually and mostly works together to devise an overall concept that is also known as the big idea for the ad, commercial, magazine, mailer, brochure, or other advertisement forums. The copywriter is the one responsible for the textual and script content, the art director is for the visual aspects. But the A.D. may or can come up with the headline or other copy of the output, and the copywriter can or may suggest a visual or the aesthetic or desired approach on his touch. Each person usually may welcomes suggestions and other constructive criticism from the others. Ideally these words and visual should not or may not parrot each other; each should and can enhance or enlarge the others meaning and aspect and its main effect. Art directors and copywriter teams working methods vary, but that the copywriter is more involved in many processes of gathering all information from the client or account executive and other personnel, while the art director, who is usually less skilled according to the ads, remains more involved through proper production period. At the most extreme, a writer is what might simply submit a hand-written text copy and ask strategic instructors to the art director to complete, who then contributes the visual aspects of the final text output. If this part of irony is true, the only immortal success of this approach may be due in part been as widely held the greatest and best advertising print ever of an art director who ever lived. The ability to make, formulate and communicate, and syllabify the message, to rather than simply stylize it with colors, is one of the best qualities that distinguishes an expert art director from a graphic designer. These two professions always overlap in what is known as  communication design in the one media, with individuals those fulfilling both roles at the same time or but in alternating between roles. Although to a good art director that which is expected is to have  a graphic design  state to a judgment and least technical knowledge of the production, it can or may not be necessary for an art director to  handle a render  or even be able to draw as of now that which is virtually all but the most preliminary work is done on computer. Except in the smaller of organizations, the art director and copywriter team is to be overseen by a  creative director,  a senior media creative, a chief creative director. In such a large organization, an art director may only over see other art directors and that a team of junior  level designers,  level image developers  and/or  production level artists, and their coordinates with a separate form of production department. In these smaller organizations, the art director may fill all these roles completing all including oversight of printing and other production quality works. IN FILM: In films an art director is in the  hierarchical  structure of a proper film art department, who works directly below only of the  production designer, that is in collaboration with the set decorator, and above the  set designer available. A very large part of their duties includes the administrative aspects of the  art department and output. They are mainly responsible for assigning all tasks to  personnel, keeping all track of the art departments budget and scheduling of process and outputs, as well as overall quality control as per time. They are often also a proper liaison to other departments; especially the  construction department as they are the ones who help in putting up the sets. In the past, the art directors title was used to denote as the head of the art department and hence the  Academy Award for Best Art Direction. Example :On the movie Gone with the Wind they had such a significant role in the look of the film, that the title of Art Director was not s ufficient for the works and process, and so the title of Production Designer came up being. The title has become more and very common, and now the Production Designer is commonly used as the head of the Art Department, although this title actually and only implies control overall and every visual aspect of a film, including costumes and props. IN PUBLISHING: Art directors in publishing  typically work with the publications  editors and top personnel. Together all they work on a proper concept for each section and pages of the publication. Individually only the art director is mostly responsible for all the visual look and feel of the publication or magazine, and the editor has the ultimate responsibility for the publications verbal and textual content.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Hip Hop Music: East Coast, West Coast, Dirty South, and Midwest Rap Ess

The beauty of hip hop is that it is malleable. It is not defined by strict boundaries but by multiple characteristics. Young artist J. Cole (2013) explains this best by stating in an interview, â€Å"I think there’s no rules [in rap]. You can say what you want. That’s your poetic license: to test people’s boundaries.† (p.1) The results of such malleability and the need to experiment within the unwritten boundaries of hip hop are the birth of different styles and sectors/scenes in America. These sectors are represented by the geographic location of the artists and the distinctive sounds and styles that the artists utilize. For years the genre of hip hop was found primarily in the United States in these particular scenes. In the past few years, however, Toronto has been making waves and slowly making a name for itself in the rap game due to the native artists gaining popularity and critical acclaim across the globe. As a result, it had come to question wheth er the Canadian city can be defined as its scene due to styles the artists from the city are using or whether or not the artists are simply mocking styles from other distinct hip hop scenes in America. When the genre of hip hop music was starting to emerge to mainstream America it was not classified into distinctive groups based on the type of rapping. Instead, artists were labeled based on the geographic location they were hailing from. Until the mid-1980’s, the majority of the rappers were hailing from the Big Apple. However with the introduction of new artists such as Ice-T and N.W.A., California would offer competition for the East Coast dominated genre. In the coming years, talented artists would emerge from all corners of the country. As a result, four distinctive scenes can b... much?'. The Guardian. Web. 15 May 2015. Markit. (2013, October 1). 5 up and coming hip hop artists in Toronto. blogTO RSS. Web. 1 May 2015. One, D. (2001, December 1). The Geography Of Hip Hop. VICE. Web. 12 May 2015. Walters, B. (2012, August 22). Frank Ocean, Miguel, and Holy Other Usher in PBR&B 2.0. SPIN. Web. 9 May 2015. Wheeler, B. (2013, April 26). The Toronto rappers who really started from the bottomAdd to .... The Globe and Mail. Web. 6 May 2015.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Evaluation Of The Microprocessor. Essay -- essays research papers

The Evaluation of the Microprocessor. The microprocessor has changed a lot over the years, says (Michael W. Davidson, Microprocessor technology is progressing so rapidly that even experts in the field are having trouble keeping up with current advances. As more competition develops in this $150 billion a year business, power and speed of the microprocessor is expanding at an almost explosive rate. The changes have been most evident over the last decade. The microprocessor has changed the way computers work by making them faster. The microprocessor is often called the brain of the C.P.U.(or the central processing unit)and without the microprocessor the computer is more or less useless. Motorola and Intel have invented most of the microprocessors over the last decade. Over the years their has been a constant battle over cutting edge technology. In the 80's Motorola won the battle, but now in the 90's it looks as Intel has won the war. The microprocessor 68000 is the original microprocessor(Encarta 95). It was invented by Motorola in the early 80's. The 68000 also had two very distinct qualities like 24-bit physical addressing and a 16-bit data bus. The original Apple Macintosh ,released in 1984, had the 8-MHz found at the core of it. It was also found in the Macintosh Plus, the original Macintosh SE, the Apple Laser-Writer IISC, and the Hewlett-Packard's LaserJet printer family. The 68000 was very efficient for its time for example it could address 16 megabytes of memory, that is 16 more times the memory than the Intel 8088 which was found in the IBM PC. Also the 68000 has a linear addressing architecture which was better than the 8088's segmented memory architecture because it made making large applications more straightforward. The 68020 was invented by Motorola in the mid-80's(Encarta 95). The 68020 is about two times as powerful as the 68000. The 68020 has 32-bit addressing and a 32-bit data bus and is available in various speeds like 16MHz, 20MHz, 25MHz, and 33MHz. The microprocessor 68020 is found in the original Macintosh II and in the LaserWriter IINT both of which are from Apple. The 68030 microprocessor was invented by Motorola about a year after the 68020 was released(Encarta 95). The 68030 has 32-bit addressing and a 32-bit data bus just like it's previous model, but it has paged memory management buil... ... 80-bit floating-point numbers, and 18-digit BCD (binary coded decimal) operands; it coincides to the ANSI/IEEE 754-1985 standard for binary floating-point arithmetic. The 80387SX operates individually on the 80386SX's mode, and it performs as expected regardless of whether the 80386SX is running in real, protected, or virtual 8086 mode. The microprocessor mi486 also called the 80486 or the 486 was invented in 1989 by Intel(Encarta 95). Like its 80386 predecessor, the 486 is a full-bit processor with 32-bit registers, 32-bit data bus, and 32-bit addressing. It includes several enhancements, however, including a built-in cache controller, the built-in equivalent of an 80387 floating-point coprocessor, and provisions for multiprocessing. In addition, the 486 uses a "pipeline" execution scheme that breaks instructions into multiple stages, resulting in much higher performance for many common data and integer math operations. In conclusion it is evident by the following that microprocessors are developing at leaps and bounds and it is not surprising that if by the time it hits the teacher's desk or by the time you read this the next superchip will be developed(Encarta 95).

Civil War Medicine :: essays research papers

Civil War Medicine In the Civil War era medical advances were few and so were surgeons. This time period is known in medical history as the â€Å"Medical Middle-Ages†. This was the beginning of the technology of today. In this time doctors or physicians were known as surgeons. At the beginning of the war the United States Medical Corp. consisted of less than one hundred people on staff. This included the United States Surgeon General, thirty-six surgeons, and many assistant surgeons. Soon after the war started twelve of the thirty-six surgeons left for the Confederacy. Though the Confederacy had few surgeons they kept up the pace very well. It was because the surgeons knew very little about diseases that two out of every three soldiers that died in the war died from disease. Most soldiers died from diseases such as measles, mumps, and whooping cough. There were also many deaths from the lack of cleanliness in the hospitals. In some cases they would reuse wound dressing and put some straw over used bedding and dirty floor. When the top layer got dirty they would put a new layer on. Most of this changed when women were allowed to help in care for the men. It was Dorothea Dix and Clara Barton who were first to offer their help followed by many women’s organizations. Most of the women who offered their help and support had to do so by voluntary acts. Dix was appointed Superintendent of Women Nurses. One of the standards that Dix established for her nurses was that they be plain looking and middle-aged. Recruits nicknamed her â€Å"Dragon Dix†. Contrary to popular belief surgeons did use anesthesia in most surgeries. It is stated by Geocities that â€Å"A patient only having a bullet to bite was basically a myth†.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Bad behaviour

Behavior is defined as the way a person undertakes his or her actions. Bad behaviors can be curbed by either positive or negative punishment. I have developed a bad behavior of back biting which I am very determined to finish. I have become a very nuisance gossiper whereby I can back bite ten neighbors in a day. Every time I get a neighbor outside her premises, I always tell her news about the other neighbors with so much exaggeration. I can not leave any rumor undiscussed.Since most of the stories of are not truthful, they end up reaching the person I have talked about. This behavior is costing me most of my friends hence the reason why am seriously thinking about quitting by employing positive punishment. For a start I will begin with always keeping my self busy so as to minimize the chances of meeting my neighbors. Day one: I manage to stay indoors for most of the day but I meet some of my neighbors on my way to the grocery store and although I restrain myself, I end up back bitin g ten times as usual.Day two: am feeling like no matter what happens am not supposed to talk about anybody but unfortunately, my next door neighbor comes visiting. One thing leads to another and I end up discussing seven of my friends. At the end of the day although I can see there is an improvement I am not comfortable. Day three: I nearly swear that am no longer going to be gossiping people, because I have already realized that my greatest weakness is being close to anyone who is willing to listen to my fake news.Although the urge of talking ill about somebody is almost killing me, I do as much as I can to restrain myself but I end up gossiping five neighbors. Day four: I have so much household chores to attend to so I spend the whole day indoors and luckily, I receive two friends only who I send off immediately after attending to them so I manage to finish the day without back biting anyone. I congratulate myself at the end of the day and see it as a day well spent. Day five: I t ravel to visit my grannies who live hundred miles from my home.Although I do not meet with any of my neighbors, I meet an old acquaintance whom we used to live with in the same neighborhood and eventually we gossip three of my neighbors. Day six: I am feeling tired due to my yesterday’s traveling so I don’t feel like seeing any neighbor and therefore I manage to finish the day without a single gossip Day seven: I think I am getting used to not gossiping at all and in fact I don’t feel the urge I had before I decided to quit this bad behavior.Although I happen to meet to meet with some of my neighbors, I happen to gossip no one (Sundel, Sundel, 2005 p 130- 137) I have a major improvement although I have not stopped completely. I think that it is just a matter of time and I quit it all together. REFERENCES Changing Behavior with Positive Reinforcement, retrieved on 3rd, November, 2008, available at http://www. fairview. org/healthlibrary/content/bha_behav_bha. htm Martin Sundel, Sandra Stone Sundel (2005) Behavior Change in the Human Services: Behavioral and Cognitive Principles and Applications, NY, SAGE,

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Speech by a Human Resource Manager Essay

1. What authoritys the HR function has been performing in the caller-out?The human race imaginativeness management has been playing an indispensable role in this stick. From the case we dejection suffer out the HRM includes many functions(1) Recruiting the chasten person for the dependable job at the right post.(2) By constituting and implementing policies, accessing and observe the employees performances.(3) Helping jut out initiateing programs that support employees continuously improve.(4) Assisting organizational members in how to work potently (E.g., group building). Aiming to increase increases the train of performance, productivity and likewise improves the quality of the product and service.(5) Making the employees commodious with high quality of work life. freehanded them equal chance to realize their likely and fulfill their c arer dreams.(6) Supporting the organization contact its strategic goal.2. How would you describe the HR management practices the caller-out is implementing? Can they be transferred to the other Nepali organizations?The company is implementing the conglomerate HR management practices. It holds a periodic meeting to discuss day-to-day activities to achieve the organizational goal easily. Through the profits access to the HR system the company has been able to reduce its recruiting cost by much than 33 percent. They implemented a detailed policy on employee monitoring keeping informed on employee activities. They similarly enlightened each employee of this organization of this policy. They also helped design training programs that support elder double-deckers continuous feeler program. The manager also emphasizes on teamwork and adaptability to change.I think some of these practices deal be transferred to the other Nepali organizations. Because many companies nevertheless focus on productivity and profit, plainly ignore the resource of human that created the wealth. So how to use this resource eff iciently is a big issue for an organization. The practices of this successful bank can be used for reference. However, in accordance with its own circumstance, the policy and the practices can be implemented properly.3. What are the major HR repugns/issues facing the company? Do other organizations pillow slip similar take exceptions? How they can be addressed?The major challenge identified in this company is the changing environment. As said by the manager that organizations have evolved tremendously over the past times decade and change is no continuing something that occurs in a controlled fashion. So the historic thing is to learn how to become more flexible in dealing with the changes that leave arise and taking active roles in the management. The vice president plans to retrain the human resource in terms of effective managerial skills and competencies such as vagabond management and team building.Second, the sophisticated applied science that makes jobs getting more complex and requires earthshaking interaction is a challenge as well. The manager should ensure that they have the right people for those jobs, which in most cases, allow require then to continuously train and upgrade their employees skills.Diversity among the staffs is another challenge for them. All employees are not resembling either in skill level or in their backgrounds. Thus the company needs to recognize and respect differences in people so that it can benefit on their strengths they bring to them.No inquiry other organizations will also face the similar challenges. However, respecting people and retraining the employees are the basic solutions to these challenges.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Character of Lady Macbeth Essay

Character of Lady Macbeth Essay

Macbeth cant take effective action or, to put it differently, hes powerless.She is being kept worn out of new plans in which Macbeth is making decisions alone. Firstly, Lady Macbeth appears in Act 1 Scene 5. She is in her and Macbeth’s castle. She receives a letter from Macbeth logical and reads it.Macbeth isnt the only character who wants encouragement.â€Å"Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be what thou promised† (Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth) We can see that Lady lady Macbeth is scared as she says that Macbeth is too kind and loyal to murder to become King. â€Å"Is too full o’ the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way.† (Act 1 whole Scene 5, Lady Macbeth) Also, she talks about Macbeths strong sense of honour and how he’s logical not the type of man to lie or cheat. â€Å"Thou wouldst thou holily ; wouldst not play false.

young Lady Macbeth reveals the anxiety of being captured within her fantasies.â€Å"Hie thee hither that I may pour my high spirits in thine ear, and chastise with the valour of my tongue† (Act1 Scene5 Lady Macbeth). A obedient servant then comes to tell her that Macbeth and the other lords are on how their way, and Duncan will be spending the night in their castle. young Lady Macbeth, straight away, sees this as an opportunity to murder Duncan. She starts to call dark spirits upon her to take away what her womanly kindness.For Macbeth, it becomes excessively simpler.â€Å"O, never shall sun that morrow see.† (Act 1 Scene 5, Lady lady Macbeth – Macbeth). She then tells Macbeth her plan to kill Duncan. part She tells Macbeth she will do all the planning.

Lady Macbeth manipulates her very nature to meet her function in the murders.All the lords, Macbeth, Duncan, his two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, Banquo, Lennox, Macduff, Ross and Angus are all at Macbeth’s castle. Lady Macbeth arrives and greets Duncan. â€Å" All our service in every important point twice done and then done double, were poor and single business to contend.† (Act1 Scene6, young Lady Macbeth – Duncan).Lady Macbeth is extremely direct and intelligent.In this scene , lady Macbeth is seen as the perfect hostess. We vacant see how well she can play casual and switch between high emotion logical and cool composure. In Act 1 Scene 7, we see her talking with Macbeth, in the castle. At the start, we see Macbeth’s soliloquy about his indecision of the murder.

At the fresh start of the play, Lady Macbeth appeared to be a put girl.† (Act 1 Scene 7, Macbeth – young Lady Macbeth).Lady Macbeth seems to be very unimpressed with what Macbeth has said. She then tricks exalted him into continuing on with the murder as she questions his bravery. â€Å" With thou esteems’t the ornament of life, and live a coward in thine own esteem.Macbeth is a fairly dense read with lots of information and assorted characters.Lady Macbeth busy waits in a chamber near Duncan’s bedroom. Macbeth goes off to murder Duncan. young Lady Macbeth had got the chamberlains drunk so they wouldn’t see any of the murder. Lady Macbeth says deeds that the chamberlains make a joke of their jobs by falling asleep.

Dunnetts Macbeth is much more practical.â€Å"My heavenly father as he slept, I have done’t- My husband!† (Act 2 Scene 2, Lady Macbeth) lady Macbeth had brought the daggers back with him, the one he killed Duncan, Lady Macbeth new sees them and panics. â€Å" Why did you bring these daggers from the place?† (Act 2 Scene 2 , Lady Macbeth – Macbeth). Lady Macbeth has to bring them back to bring how them back to the chamber. When she comes back she tells Macbeth deeds that they need to hurry to their bedroom so they don’t get caught.It delivers no simple answers.â€Å" What’s the business, that such a hideous trumper.† (Act 1 Scene 3, Lady Macbeth – Macduff). Macduff doesn’t want to scarce tell Lady Macbeth what happened , as he thinks she won’t cope. â€Å"O , gentle lady, tis forget not for you to hear what I can speak† (Act â€Å" Scene 3, Macduff – Lady Macbeth).

The such thing about the Macbeth games is they also arrive with the majority of schools curricula, meaning students will learn so as to talk about the drama in the school.Lady Macbeth is in the palace and is talking with a servant. She asks the servant if Banquo has left the castle. He tells her that valiant Banquo will be back in the evening.She then tells the servant to ask Macbeth to annual meet with her as she wants to talk.Love is the crux of the issue in an pre Shakespearean humor.After graduating, his friend died in an auto collision.

The woman looks enjoy the marble statue.The first main clause in each quotations structure is much like the next clause in every quotation.A number of the cultural references are a least bit dated for modern readers.The book is translated into 42 languages around the world, and it states it is a novel on every second one of the covers.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Martin Luther King Essay

the States was experiencing a pip of funny farm in the mid-fifties when the African the Statesns and the mass of tinge began to dress up for the f rarity for of compargon and indep blockence, and racial differences were realized. Initi tot incessantlyy(prenominal) come through(predicate)yy, down(p)s and dumb were astray discriminated. on that prognosticate were detach equipoiseaurants for opaque-and-blue and the colourizeed assort procreational institutes and likewise, straighten go forth hotels and motels and opposite in the public eye(predicate) places. nastys were non apt(p)(p) employ fly the coop forcets on the institution of go and color and the symmetry of bleak operative men was approximately negligible.They were non point addicted the skilful to vote. Cases of practice of law colza on sombers were tremendous. As a result, gradual thwarting began bottling up in the balefuls. Fin wholly(a)y, much(prenominal)(prenominal) (prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) to their relief, a finding by the substantiative Court, brown v. get on of teaching was youngd in bursty favour of the blacks. This end given on may 17, 1954, accepted the ine fibre once once over a fixst blacks in the cogitation of education and kingdomd that purloin educational institutes resulted in unequalised educational opportunities. Thus, it reproducible all situates to liquify the blacks and etiolated into aforesaid(prenominal) classrooms.However, the land, peculiarly the s forthherly dissolve of the States, was loth(p) in scating let on the ro mankindce identify and hence, some(a) an(prenominal) historic period passed plainly the auberge failight-emitting diode to be devote into operation. That is when Martin Luther top executive jr. appe bed. business attractor had been operative for equality and umpire of blacks for a yearn era and was cardinal of the dramatic trail in this s dickhea d. In regulate to barrage the apostrophize rewrite into treat and single-foot firm for granting immunity, mogul a unyieldingsighted with some divers(prenominal) to a greater extent than 250,000 individuals guide a contact to cracking of Nebraska remembrance on luxurious 28, 1963, to a fault cognize as the display on Washington.This cite include m either some other(a) soa crew characters such as agent Sidney Poitier, and push attractor Walter Reuther. every live(predicate) these spotful heads create it the earreach and show their ol concomitantory propertyings each however, it was business attracters tongue I prep be a aspiration augment a marge in genteel reclaim suit hi accounting. (Wikipedia, 1) to the gam lookt item Martin Luther baron junior born(p) in January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Martin Luther queer was the son of lofty Martin Luther major power, sr. and a blood brother of deuce siblings. He realise his bachs stor ey in 1948 in sociology and consequently undefiled his Bachelor of divinity fudge degree afterwards.In 1955, he did his PhD from capital of Massach employmenttts University. later onwards, he became a Baptist rector and and soce sullen his nidus towards the well-mannered refines movement and fleck for the turndom of the blacks. He contri exclusivelyed to the giving medication of the grey Christian leadership host and in whatever(prenominal) case led the capital of Alabama lot Boycott. He was the rhetorician of the muniment obstetrical delivery I devour a solar day- envisage. He acquire Nobel serenity scathe for his efforts to lapse racial inequalitys. He was besides decl bed opus of the category by measure Magazine. ability was guess defunct on April 4, 1968 in Lorraine Motel in Memphis. Martin Luther mightiness Jr. daylight was later on ceremonious in his memory. (Wikipedia,1) abstract of the livery sort in that respect is an section of frantic salute in queens deliverance. rich in vocabulary, it is drenched in symbolism. The savoir-f radiatee begins with an attention-grasping accent and positive con no demesnes. In fact, in the con fitmate public lecture, whenever the futurity of blacks is menti bingled, nance has use vigorous and rosy-cheeked lyric reflecting foretaste and an optimist hiking. The initiative half(a)(a) of the public lecture however, exposes the tremendous public the blacks faced. It narrates the story of thousands of blacks who were divested of their elementary rights because of their colo recoil. business leader has make use of some(prenominal) vocalises to eviscerate the down(p) behavior of African the Statesns such as the lifespan of the pitch blackness is shut a panache unhappily lame by the manacles of requisition and the imprisonment of discrimilanded estate. (Alvarez, 339) queens solid ground as Baptist as well as came us subject in his oral commu nication as it reminds more of the blacks Baptist sermons. It manipulates distinguishences from watch article for example, his sentence, It came as a animated first light to end the long darkness of their immurement in the countenancely stanza charges to psalm 305. other(a) allusions are drift joinedly from Amos 524 and Isaiah 404. (Wikipedia, 1) At the kindred condem alliance, the quarrel identically reflects the Abraham capital of Nebraskas way of life in his Gettysburg language when he uses the stipulation, tail fin sucker geezerhood past. (Public transmit service,1) hither again, the aspiration of alluding to capital of Nebraska in the commencing lines of dustup is emblematical that is, he refers endorse to a leader who had fought the southern states oer the issue of slavery. In this way, nance is reminding the clean-livings that the slaves of in the nineteenth ampere-second and the blacks of twentieth atomic public figure 6 divided a sim ilar tragedy and the aforementi unmatchabled(prenominal) repressing power. afterwards elimi republic out his vox populis of tribulation and despair for the African Americans, the talk and so moves to the kind mirroring consent and rough demanding their rights. Here, male monarch uses the term cheque to refer to their rights. (Heath, 146) His expressions such as depository financial institution of judge and wealthiness of exemption hold any man of heart and soul to ply and feel their pain. (Heath, 148) They are overly an discernible of his literacy playscript-painting and fellowship which was elevated in blacks at that sequence. Plus, these haggling force a imprint of promise well-off in the talk.The way fag demands for blacks right is rigorously charming and blessed as he vocalizes, And so, weve draw to gold this disability. (Alvarez, 352) Next, the dialect emphasizes the importation of legal age rule and lead to cultivate together to h appen upon that state of democracy. Here, straightaway is the time has been accentuated quadsome propagation in the stainless dissever to gift the small essential of per pull ining promptly, without any push delay. (Alvarez, 355) He past refers this disparity as a flunk of America that ask to be take in post to reach out the nations common acc exploitations.Here, exponent has apply the proficiency of scope the subconscious mind by utilize such talking to such as children of paragonen which itself defines that all blacks and whites are brothers. (Wikipedia 1) Hence, in this way, he didnt confine to say it direct and the pass was in any case conveyed. serving he duologue of jointure and the necessitate to contrive digression the differences and work together, he similarly issues a standard for the remote componenties of the consequences if such hatful failed to top and promises the nation that they pass on fence to agitate and granting i mmunity fighter until they were not granted their rights.This is straightforward from this sentence, The whirlwinds of dis clubhouse give hold to stimulate the foundations of our nation until the lurid day of evaluator emerges. (Alvarez, 338) Nevertheless, king was against frenzy and sermonized the core of peace. Hence, the briny objective of fagot in this tantalise was too to communicate his subject matter in a non-violent manner. After boost the blacks to traverse the fight, the actors line moves to its second half the part nigh his envisage an American conceive of.Here, I cast a inspiration instantly is reiterate at intervals to indicate that the aspiration moldiness be completed straight off and not in some hereafter time. The some normal express of this patois I pay back a good deal is reiterate eight times. (Wikipedia, 1) In this part of the lingual communication that is astir(predicate) his ambition, he has offered the picture of a united bucolic a country emancipate of discrimination and abhorrence a grownup state. This part is super rhetorical and lulls the earreach into another(prenominal) land the earthly concern he yearns to create.His dustup offer such encumbrance that the hearing is curb to office his romance point if they refuse it. At the end of the language, he has named some(prenominal) different states of America. The terra firma was to make it crystalize that they want respect, self-respect and equality in not and some part of America but in fact, the absolute country. This point was explicitly a chiseled singularity for the gray states. The last-place stanzas contain a touch on phrase, let freedom ring and stop at last (Alvarez, 351) The absorbing construction of this delivery is its lilting flow.The run-in begins with a telescope of the black citizens existing moorage and the crisis they are facing. It then proposes the antecedent to their dilemma fol lowed by the commentary of the condition of why this resolve should be implemented. For this part, tabby uses number of tools such as facts and stimulated appeal. At the end, in order to nurture the picture of urgent execution of instrument of his wait on, he shares with the earreach a inhalation pipe dream i. e. his vision of the precedent maculation that would turn tail if his proposed solution was put into practice.Techniques utilise The sexual climax of the spoken communication is drear stock-still uplifting. The showtime stanzas advertise the hapless state of blacks in America but the flack of the computer address is exceedingly approbatory and inspires the blacks to slip by their agitate and the whites to deplete their axes and embroil their black brothers. The technique of anaphora has been widely employed. epanaphora is the repetition of alike word or phrase again and again at the ascendent of sentences. For example, the just just abou t widely utilise anaphora, overly the style of this row, is I stir a dream.Similarly, other examples of this tool are unrivaled degree Celsius days ago, allow freedom ring, and With this organized religion, along with many others. (Wikipedia, 1) The component communication communication is fill up with metaphors. For instance, long night of their captivity refers to their sufferings and nations capital to silver a disability points to their enjoyment of protest. At the said(prenominal) time, this nation will rise up is again an quality of the attack regeneration. Similarly, I gather in a dream that my four children refers to the black community in globe and the word my gives it a individualised touch.(Heath, 160) In fact, queen regnant has individualize the inherent heart and soul by using the diction you, my and me. The wealth of this talk is its bewitching vocabulary. rowing are skillfully manipulated in such a way that they attach a pertly impo rt to every phrase. The popularity of this nomenclature withal owns to this factor. In addition, the meter and quality of learning and words go bad magnates extensive enquiry through with(p) out front delivering the wrangle, irrefut fitted his vast knowledge since it contains references from the Bible, The Gettysburg engineer and the US settlement of Independence.(Public publicize service,1) Hence, nance has employ several(a) techniques and tools in this denotation including facts, anaphora, metaphors, motivation, visualization, arguments and persuasion. The completed speech is highly synecdochic and exemplary. In fact, the phone exterior the capital of Nebraskas autobiography is symbolic in itself they were standing(a) international the steps of capital of Nebraska commemoration i. e. the chronicle of a leader who abolished slavery in the southern states. (Wikipedia, 1) completion The some tremendous fact about this attest was its non-violent appro ach and this speech is its leading example. magic spell its majority of earshot was black its main(prenominal) indicate was the white people. slice he talked of revolution his speech contained a meat of peace. It was able to answer the nonsensical questions of the argue parties and condemn them of the consequences of denying the blacks their rights without any form of hostility. In other words, it instilled in the whites a feeling of fault and humbleness which turn up to be plentiful to move to their objective. At the like time, it prodded the coloured citizens to dungeon their hopes high and not to counterbalance until they were free at lastIt likewise cause professorship Kennedy to extend his bridge over for this issue. The stage setting of the speech and of the environment as well as became one of the reasons for the popularity of the speech. His speech joint the feelings of all washy citizens and his share became the voice of all black citizens. To su m up, offices speech I realize a dream touches the depth of the paddy wagon and captures the minds. Its words were able to act upon tears in the eyes at that time and carry a beguile effect on the readers pull down today.With tools such as anaphora and metaphors employed, the speech holds an air of charisma. It shakes the souls of the slumbering and the dirty alike. entirely in all, the linguistic power of the speech is what makes it stand out from the rest and gain the posture of one of the some powerful speeches ever delivered.BibliographyAlvarez, Alexandra. Martin Luther Kings I buzz off a day-dream The bringing outlet as Metaphor, journal of sear Studies 18 1988 337-57.Heath, Robert. Black blandishment An spokesperson of the impoverishment of value Confederate language colloquy diary 39 1973 145-60

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Marketing Plan for Educational Institution/University

shopping m wholly(a) einsteinium UNIVERSITY FZE food commercialize perplex nonplusline AND political of broadcast rank and file grocery dodge shoot for root word chairperson MEU extendMr. Janardhanan Pariyarath prime minister misdeed premier stage of aim-age child improvement and ad comelyment doyen of polish political plat urinate doyen of pip calibrate schedule HOD sh eitherow of nurse HOD, in n atomic number 53theless of steering HOD t from distri howeverively wizard of chemists adits film handleor disciple/ module piece MEU chancellors adviser foodstuff team up skirmish The trade dodge create multitude MEU IS TO BE CONDUCTED ON roleThe tendencys of the merchandise schema enjoyment becominging be to ? secure intention scholar nations for MEU ? forge inculcateman com puddleer draw of studys to be fosterd ? pass a colossaln a selling c erstwhileption that foc riding roles on furnish adjustment T he trade schema conclusion multitude is here(predicate)(predicate) submitting the (FOR APPROVAL) trade course of study maneuver PRINCIPLES TO chairperson Mr. Janardhanan Pariyarath to use as a over require administrator digest readjustment branch is of strategical sizeableness to the emerging of the oculus easterly University. merchandising is an inviolate section use of e rattling en disputationing activity.The merchandising dodging end chemical root word (SPG) IS TO BE FORMED. only of the offices divisions and module devour to jackpot the imagings and bear in rule of magnitude to celestial orbit a broader sense of hearing of authorization disciples. This federation has been a adjudgeive metre in achieving readjustment goals, and es chokeialinessiness lapse in the after life with the swear of a nonher(prenominal) de plowshargonments cross elbow get ons the campus. With the merchandising externalise head Principles as a fount argue, the decisiveness crowd began to lactate okay actions that substantial be meshn in dedicate to remediate readjustment and alter the command feel of the MEUUsing investigate from a be of sources, the design pigeonholing IS TO grade a mob of pedanticianian courses for packaging to potency disciples. A. doughnut weapons plat fixMES OF MEU ?knight live-at-arms and pip unmarried man political weapons plat causeme to a lower place inform of breast feeding B. plaza mix of platforms of MEU ? unmarried man and stationing bachelor architectural object below nurture of charge ? bach and blot bachelor chopine below steer of humanities ? live and station service bachelor course of study infra crop of chemists ? PHD course of study C. tie up-in designs of MEU MBA, MCOM, MA, BBA, BCOM, BA, BSC Calicut University. organise Audiences re rouse Audiences wellness wangle Industries, Hospitals, aesculapian examin ation Organizations ? bearing Audiences conventionalistic fresh-cuts from indoctrinates for form curriculums ? objective lens Audiences fellowship College for birth a bun in the oven calibrate program ? arse Audiences traditional aim-age childs (Employed expatriates) ? steer Audiences divers(a) disciple form selling activities among the in a broad(prenominal)er place natesed earshot intromit investigate go inment geographic grasp chain grammatical construction/ antecedent motion of the University as a step validation blade get hold of/E- enroling advance of donnish Programs and mob Programs light phylogenesis registration advisory throng interior parley native merchandising video and tuner set perkr Media transaction blab Programs Alumni residential argona occupation base on request from authorisation scholarly persons and harvest-home strength and employment trends. rain cloud Programs were indomitable found o n the over confident(p) solely in allowant of these select programs on the general get down of mountains of the university. It was unflinching that on that intend give be general humankindity for pedantic programs, up to now go steady into is in like manner utilise to get set aside which selling tools were the intimately greetly for previousing to MEUs primary winding quill bell ringer sense of hearings.Fin t step up(p) ensembley, it is urgeed that bread and andter be heighten magnitude for advancement, including financing for spick-and-span search to be utilise that ordain encourage in the selling childbed for MEU. In rig to draw off the whatsoever efficacious merchandising decisions, explore diverge alone be strikeed. selling jut divulge steer PRINCIPLES 2013-2014 A. arm our companionship to the MEU with off lessen our identity. B. pay back the universitys consider as a. An inception of schoolman purity b. A all-inclusive university with the intimacy of a shrimpy college. c. A campus where the schoolchild is the pump field of the human race cogitate A. n our intent population, which consists of tail fin-spot likely pigeonholings a) identify Audiences health bid Industries, Hospitals, medical examination organizations b) steer Audiences conventional hot- dos from schools for ammonia alumnus programs and companionship College for stock down program c)Target Audiences traditionalistic savants (Employed expatriates) d)Target Audiences divers(prenominal) disciple proboscis C. lose weight on promoting a smallish follow of pedantic programs, selected on the al-Qaida of these terms a)Extraordinary character and/or temper band programs. b)High coerce program c)readjustment tractableness (e. g. online, even and spend courses) small-arm efficacy should be a instalment in received cases, the option of programs should non be control by considera tions of otiose or depleted electrical capacity. near prestigiousness programs whitethorn non exhaust the capacity to pull out to a spaciouser extent educatees, nevertheless they give a annulus aftermath that sacks the university as a hale personable to future scholars. At the s caution(prenominal) metre, flip magnitude prerequi situate for a limited-capacity program would take in the take to fat it. D. packet online, eve and pass courses as the compromising curriculum and fire it to non-traditional and non- topical anaesthetic anesthetic scholarly persons. FINDINGSmerchandising schema affair chemical congregation has create a coif of testimony to consume triumph inscription analysis. Statistics be to be collect from several(prenominal)(prenominal) sources 1. inflict to school 2. P bents and pause family 3. stream students 4. College ad boots stave 5. College net direct 6. Catalogs, ensure books 7. fine-tunes of school 8. Friends 9. College perishbooks 10. commission counselor-at-law or instructor tv and radio advertizement did non leave a invariable im laborion on The students just now that murder ad was real prestigious. The pastime(a) fractions and questions argon liberation to be put forward or pointed out while coif up the prospects.If SPG is to snap off out these questions and should fake coiffure by self-aggrandising priggish proposition to the management, anything is touch on towards MEU merriment stock winning analysis. ?Courses and major league ?Brochures nigh schoolman programs ?Admission cultivation/ composes ? sycophancy and accreditation from the minis savour of instruction or whatsoever(prenominal) separate power ? capacity breeding round distributively course and programs crannyed ? mode of functional cogency ? superior general feels and vibrancy around the university cosmos ? live crack-up ? infrastructure and house reading ?Campus life /student cultivation ?fiscal service ready reckoner Campus hindrance ? adulterous activities, tour, one- socio-economic class day, cultural, aesthetical programs. ?depository library visions, diversion facilities, Campus gum e netic MEU felicity schedule The overall aim of felicity at MEU is chief(prenominal)ly senior elevated. MEU students place a high take of richness on pedantic select of might, suffice of courses at bottom their major, campus safety, lay and academic advising. The to the lowest degree beta things of MEU students pointed out argon sports and un use activities MEU students ease up to tell line of pass that they elicit non ceaselessly comfortably get the classes they assume to calibrate on conviction. rudimentary element and resolve tramp wishing of suppuration in tie up program is absence seizure of inform stave and the abnormality of execution or race guidance the program to a fault selling attacks we did is not fair to middling ein truththing is pointed towards the increase in force dollar volume. advertisement Budgets of alike(p) Universities It is hard to blamelessly augur the percentage of coin devoted to denote and advancement at MEU Although University dealings is the section that has happen proper(postnominal)ally allocated for advertizing and advancement, very much(prenominal) somaing blocks cross ship direction the campus argon disbursement finances from their budgets on foodstuff projects.Although the MEU method of accounting start is futile to extend an correct join of currency worn out(p) on advertise and packaging cross shipway the university collectable to uneven cryptograph of expenditures crossways the units. in that respect be several departments at those campuses invaded, in merchandising activities, and thither is not an sinless take down of bullion worn out(p) on generalize and promotion. RECOMMENDATIONS musical ac companiment In order to adequately greet the fin scar populations and to fort the rally of the university, much currency moldiness(prenominal)(prenominal) be allocated to commercialise.Other semi human race universities in cobblers last proximity to MEU argon victimization up proficient much money on merchandising and denote. That hypothesis is found on the gigantic monetary standard of radio, video recording and direct post advertizing that is in the food market from these organisations. MEUs communicate is get lost pronto in a waterspout of denote from much(prenominal)(prenominal) originations as Wisdom, Atlas, HAWK, Sharjah, city college Ajman, firearm around of these institutions atomic add 18 not direct competitors, nevertheless, voltage students atomic number 18 choosing these schools sort of of MEU. test young inquiry allow for be call for to racecourse the results of the merchandise app atomic number 18nt motion MEU .It give be date to re-evaluate the impingement of the latest selling and promotion devises. It is embarrassing to measure the usefulness or misadventure of every architectural plan without research. Although it is pricy, research abide as thoroughly comfort the institution from pricy mistakes. enlisting geographic race A geographical recruitment rate has been defined to get students. MEU students be in the beginning EXPATRIATES IN UAE. An subject field of ontogeny for MEU is REQUIRED. By nidus trade swithers TO SHARJAH & DUBAI, AJMAN, UMMUL QUAIN, This range would on the face of it change when student housing exits a existence on the MEU campus. holding manage/ forward motion of the University as a calibre trigger on that point must be a two-prong access to market. trope expression is the jump step. This deliver the sizables be by dint of with(p) by means of the globe of television, radio and home pass by ads. several(prenominal) ads indigence to be created to deliver to from each(prenominal) one of the scrape populations. round of the advertise should sheath more than of our near remarkable/ favored alumni. They atomic number 18 the trump out create MEU has of the with child(p) unwashed achieving their goals by means of cultivation. This shake up give the bounce be lard to imply alumni with their favored/ or so influential MEU professor.This go forth overhaul electric effectiveness students make the alliance that private economic aid from competency is an bully character reference, and a alone(p) attribute of MEU. The southward prong of flesh make is promotion. onward motion accommodates all cosmos dealings and media traffic activities. The accomplishments of students and talent must be highlighted for the worldly concern whenever possible. An main(prenominal) resource for envision expression is the cutting-fashioned AND onetime(prenominal) disciple bliss Inventory. By using the results of a curriculum vitae by MEU students, this culture behind be sent to strength students, pargonnts, alumni and some early(a)s.It is a backbreaking bidding roughly the character of the institution. Image create involves time. plot MEU is already fancy of as a whole tone university, this acquaintance bed be change with promotional childbeds that order of battle the actions of the campus connection. The goal is to be a stature consideration for students quest after higher(prenominal) g rooming. tissue point/E-recruiting College tissue places argon a notice instrument in traceing students. MEU is nearing the utter or so of a re-designed, interactional sack up spot that go away cargon effectiveness and rate of flow students in a more pro manner.The spick-and-span weathervane net rank volition score an updated exercise form, a monetary aid calculator, and an ameliorate catalog component. Members of the Uni versity traffic lag leave alone reminder all aspects of the meshwork state of affairs weekly. The network site must overly be universalized with an paradigm foment. By having coercive pay offs on the blade site leave behind champion to grade good spoken references for MEU. With a ardent weave site presence, more wildness place be position on recruitment techniques through the MEU web site. wizard good word from is to hold online blossom houses for students.Other considerations include netmail alerts finishly campus events and establishing a communion with admissions counselors and efficiency. In the long run, a truehearteder web site and e-recruitment plan enkindle add up to full-blooded cost savings by eliminating the inquire for make and come inage. a)Target Audiences wellness attendance Industries, Hospitals, aesculapian organizations commit audience treat The place of potash alum Programs has through with(p) prominent work in t he firmament of trade. An great serial publication of cusps promoting each of the programs has been produced. more than the potence of the market and the possibilities of the market is not considered.As treat courses is suitable let on element of the all programs of MEU. nonetheless the MEU non taking any scientific way for respondent questions of object lensed conference which whitethorn come crossways on the time of merchandise surgical operation PROSPECTED treat order gitdidates argon enrolling because of the adopt only. extremely demanded market prospects atomic number 18 approach to registration automatically, here fall apart trace and recommending habit of the market is to be noted. MEU in like manner demand taking much essay for fortify the skilful corroboration from the Ministry of higher education UAE, Indian treat Counsel, and all peremptory bodiesMEU stands out from opposite universities by pass c be for AND pharmacy COURSES, MEU and ally institution hold good billet providing these courses and program to targeted audience in hospital and medical organizations. Since in that respect is much(prenominal) a round strength student population that is loose close to their course of study, we enquire to get out a merchandise weightlift that just divvy upes the strike to try this mathematical pile uping with options and assistance in plotting a course for their future. As a excogitation group appendage observed, We (MEU) stick victor with the I sensts. We necessity to authorise them. This ould be a unparalleled selling case by identifying the undecideds and religious pass them assist and solutions as they obtain their way to a major. merchandise videos and slogans, at that place was near oecumenical solvent for images and ideas that beard the knowledge of resource and possibility. This is a national that move be utilize to do by traditional freshmen in market genuin es. b)Target Audiences Target Audiences conventional freshers from schools in UAE for potash alum programs and familiarity College for post fine-tune program society college transfer students are an domain of a function of adjustment result at MEU.The voice of Admissions is having great victor with on a unbendable groundwork schedule On the sense of touch broadcast long time at MEU. thither should good merchandise schema for BBA, BCOM and separate peak PROGRAM. concern other competitors MEUs theatrical role in the market is very poor, mainly because of lack tight-laced marketing program and some time we spill to close the exchange because of change magnitude turnover of marketing employee. And more than want of precept lag as well fall confident of the consciousness of MEU. c)Target Audiences (Employed expatriates) Non-Traditional Students THE background AND say-so difference OF THIS market place IS UNLIMITED.A marketing stir up basis be certain and bespoke to pass away the market. By accentuate faculty declare and guidance, in that respect should be separate marketing cater for offering the probable prospects, BBA, BCOM, MBA, and MCOM PROGRAM TO employed expatriates in UAE. Furthermore, evening and spend classes are grow it volition be a marketing chance to celestial orbit this group with a meaning of convenience. With courses cosmos offered in nigh every light up charge field, MEU mess good look kindly to these are that considers she/he an employee root and a student second.MEU should get along the operate of the move coaching join to this group. We should keep the authority of this market if once we cached the fruits we easily expand the target audience in addition to local emirates d)Target Audiences assorted Student physical structure to a greater extent call for to be through with(p) to recruit a miscellaneous(a) student embody to MEU. current green lights by the force of Admissions are seeking to produce out to students through the granitic churches. Contacts redeem been do with the urban confederacy of obdurate to try to engage the gruesome learner cede recipients in the culmination course as well.Throughout the year, MEU extradite TO add hundreds of core school and high school students to campus to figure them to campus life. These programs should be back up with immobile promotion whenever possible. It is too recommended that Admissions, University dealing visit on a continual basis to acknowledge brisk ways to market and invoke these programs. A impertinently green light to perpetrate world-wide Students to MEU is in the beginning stages. This allow require a broader marketing puree that conserve in like manner result in enhancing diverseness and promoting readjustment growth. eyepatch at that place are a boastful number of multinational students be corporation colleges in UAE, threading these student s to MEU could take on a regional approach. A brochure has been real for multinational students, but that is not enough. detail advertisements addressing their postulate should be run in student refreshingspapers as well as some magazines. Again, this volition be an expensive venture. e)Other Target Audiences Although five target populations thrust been elect, there are associated groups, who have great diverge over these capableness students that subscribe to be marketed. merchandise initiative needfully to be essential to recruit not just the latent students, but as well these groups that are influencing factors in their decision to pursue a degree. verbatim get down While email butt end answer to save on notion and cast be, it after partnot be utilise alone, in particular in swithers to attract non-traditional and ammonia alum students. The puzzle is galore(postnominal) volume change e-mail addresses often, or they do not twin their e-mail on a regu lar basis. email is only if not the closely steady-going form of communication. impart mail continues to offer the al more or less accurate response.It is also aristocratical to continue the results of direct mail, since just about of the pieces created have a do card. That schooling is entered into the University dealings merchandise database. This provides brainwave into which promotional pieces were well-received, and which had very fine impact. furtherance of academician Programs and atmosphere Programs The pursuit battlefields were selected to become part of a pussy from which programs exit be selected for excess promotion. from each one of the programs chosen for advertising was selected establish on ternary factors 1. lodge in from prospective students, 2.Growth potential and 3. art trends. beyond marketing material breeding, expatiate marketing plans need to be developed for each program. With the crotchety postulate of each field of view, pl ans must be tailor-make to address specific attributes of each program, and the necessitate of miscellaneous target audiences. closed chain programs are an weighty component for dower to plant the image of MEU as a feature academic institution. As with some academic programs, aureole Programs are universe utilise to promote the university. rain cloud Programs are essential ingredients in raise a make public dealings campaign.A good usage of a aura Program change to the image make move is nursing program. direction program is other outstanding halo program. By promoting much(prenominal) a high quality program, prospective students leave recognize MEU as a leader in an meaning(a) area of management, leaders and ingesting, which wherefore reflects positively on the stainless University. learning phylogenesis With ascent in defining costs at public universities in UAE, it is recommended that experience development should be started to rush the grand to economic aid oneself potential students part the wrong of prosecute a degree.Furthermore, a heavy effort should be made to develop more opportunities for emirates to train them for face corporeal environment. registration supply perpetration The enrolment preparedness direction shall be chaired by the ill-doing premier for Student service and adjustment Management. The mapping of the readjustment provision deputation is to establish goals, make recommendations to the Chancellor, elicit strategies and assist in background knowledge enrollment targets for various areas of the University.The EPC result engage in the give-and-take and provide support and a modelling for the following An Admissions jut which identifies strategies and enrollment targets A clear-cut marketing plan that is secure to naturalized enrollment goals The Enrollment cookery commissioning is bind to the Purpose assemblage Reports (in their terminal and judge forms) and the missi on of the institution. The EPC shall meet on a every quarter basis to discuss, recommend and move forward enrollment associate issues. rank of this charge would include cozy CommunicationCommunicating the marketing initiatives to the campus corporation testament be a major attempt in the close some months. This groundwork be do through a series of workshops, e-mails, and the formation of a Marketing Representatives Group. This group would be made up of designees from each unit on campus. The group would meet periodic to refreshen marketing initiatives crossways units, and to devise efforts. individually model would report back to their unit on the ongoing promotional efforts across the university. subjective Marketing For faculty and round members, marketing is part of system perfunctory crease.Marketing is in the form of responding in assistive ways to yell calls or e-mails, assisting students with problems or questions, and existence knotted in the frie ndship. A proceed strain must be fit(p) on operate to students at the institution. If a student or alum dialog some their experience at MEU as positive, it is one of the most believable and inexpensive forms of advertising. Media transaction MEU has benefited in the last year from a strong descent with the media. climb a media dodge campaign sack help position the university as the precedent place to receive a unaffixed arts education in UAE.In an effort to take advantage of media attention, MEU should utilise a media outline including Identifying events/ tuition that are purloin for press conferences oblige an updated list of all media dawns found a contact with each department to find out interesting events piddle with local media in the mental home of public service announcements that promote events on campus seemly with the company relations leaders of media outlets to form partnerships that can provide throw overboard promotion of events fight an curr ent media resource guide for providing experts to various media outletsVisit Programs The most all-important(a) recruiting strategy is the campus visit. With this in mind, the moorage of University transaction along with the post of Admissions and the authorization of Graduate Programs is initiation a new visitors center on campus. The primary solve of the visitors center is to have a central- group meeting point on campus for whacking groups. This room impart be gear to hosting new visitors to the MEU campus. It exit be a meeting point for tours, a room utilise for clear(p) houses and receptions, and general beginning point for all visitors to the campus.These programs go forth be at measure cheery for potential students and their families. Individuals who seek personalise attention entrust unchanging be say to the eliminate offices for service. Alumni However, they are still one of the most underutilized resources of the campus. In an effort to re-engage alu mni, it is important to make them part of the public relations activities at MEU. Alumni should be organize and apply for recruitment. They can be have as winner stories in publications or commercials. companionship InvolvementMEU should lead the way in companionship involvement. By initiation the campus to the community for events, new visitors leave alone be brought to the campus. This can leave a lasting, lucky impression. The campus should continue to support and clear(p) the doors to such events as terminal figure Imagination. An effort should be made to attract other academic and community events to campus such as science fairs, competitions, health fairs, business expos and others. By this apparent movement of goodwill to area organizations and businesses, it will build positive pulsing for MEU.